Wednesday, June 3, 2015

We stayed at the Toad River Lodge last night. At breakfast one of the other guest told us about a beaver lodge in the lake out back, so Tim and I decided to go on a beaver hunt.

I decided to hunt for them along the shore line.

I found their lodge.....

....and then this ambitious one pushing a log bigger than he was.

While I was watching this guy add this to his dam, Tim was still knocking on motorhome doors. I'll never figure them city boys out!

This guy is moving his wife and children to AK from Colorado. They will live in this motorhome until they get their home built.

There were a lot of animals out today. We saw two moose.

at least 20 bear

a couple of dozen bison

Bummers Lodge on the Liard River.

Two squirrels that were head over heels for each other.

This big guy forgot to take his blanket off after waking up today.

This boy was rolling in the dirt

We crossed into and out of the Yukon a couple of time today.

At the second crossing, the sign was much nicer.

Hard to believe Tim's luggage would even fit in the Yukon

Especially after I had already crossed over with mine.

In 1942 one of the construction workers was suffering a bit of home sickness so he put up a sign pointing toward home. Others on the crew added their own signs. Today the tradition continues and there are now over 72,000 signs.

Tim broke tradition and just pointed his bike toward home.

No small effort if you're a salmon going home to see your sweetie.

This bridge over the Teslin River is the longest bridge on the Alaskan highway.

A nice little information and viewing gazebo

This is the Klondike.

She was one of 250 sternwheelers operating on the Yukon

The Yukon is a mighty river with a very swift current.

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